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  • PLUTONE BIO 食品医药生物管
  • PLUTONE BIO 食品医药生物管
  • PLUTONE BIO 食品医药生物管

PLUTONE BIO 食品医药生物软管
温度:-10 °C +60 °C
标准:符合欧盟EU 10/2011,美国FDA食品级认证,符合RoHS 2011/65/EU指令,REACH Regulation (1907/2006)规定及TRB S 2153。

Tubo trasparente in compound a contenuto biologico, ottenuto da fonti naturali rinnovabili, la cui produzione permette una riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 nell’atmosfera. Spirale di rinforzo in acciaio.
Trasporto in aspirazione e mandata di liquidi alimentari, bevande, succhi di frutta, aceto, vino e liquori con concentrazione alcolica fino a 50%. Idoneo al passaggio di latte e prodotti lattiero-caseari.
Viene spesso impiegato su macchine riempitrici e dosatrici.
Idoneo al trasporto di alimenti secondo il regolamento Europeo UE 10/2011 (classi A, B, C, D1) e secondo FDA Regulations CFR 21 (Parts 176.170).
Transparent hose produced with a special bio-based compound, obtained from natural energy sources, which production allows to save CO2 emissions and reinforced with steel spiral.
Ideal solution for suction and delivery of food liquids, beverages, fruit juices, wine and liquors with up to 50% alcohol concentration, as well as for the passage of milk and dairy products, according to FDA CFR. 21 (Item 176.170) and to Reg. EU 10/2011 (classes A, B, C, D1). It is often used for filling machines and dispensers.

内径毫米 外径毫米 重量g/m 工作压力bar 爆破压力bar 耐负压mH2O 弯曲半径毫米 长度米
6 12.2 135 5 25 9.5 30 60
8 14.2 160 5 25 9.5 40 60
10 16 185 7 35 8.5 50 60
12 18 215 7 35 8.5 60 60
14 20 235 7 35 8.5 60 60
16 22.4 280 7 35 8.5 70 60
18 24.4 305 6 30 8.5 80 60
20 27 360 6 30 8.5 90 60
22 29 395 6 30 8.5 100 60
25 33 520 6 30 8.5 110 60
30 38 605 5 25 8.5 140 60
32 40.4 675 5 25 8.5 140 60
35 43.4 720 5 25 8.5 160 60
38 47 830 5 25 8.5 170 30
40 49 865 5 25 8.5 180 30
45 54.8 1150 4 20 8 200 30
50 60 1290 4 20 8 230 30
60 71.8 1770 3.5 17.5 8 270 30
63 74.8 1855 3.5 17.5 8 280 30
70 82 2115 3.5 17.5 7 320 30
76 88.2 2310 3.5 17.5 7 340 30
80 92.2 2420 3.5 17.5 7 360 20
90 103 3110 3 15 7 410 20
102 115 3490 2 10 7 460 20
105 118 3650 2 10 7 470 20
110 127.4 4825 1.6 8 9 550 20
120 137.4 5230 1.2 6 9 640 20
127 144.4 5550 1.2 6 9 640 20
151 168.6 6935 1.2 6 9 760 20

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